We are happy to officially announce that we have added some additional board supports through the remainder of this governance year (through June 2023). First, we are officially welcoming Joan Woodbury as a board member to fill the remainder of the vacancy left when Richie Nelson resigned in the fall. She will bring her experience as a […]
October 2022 Board Update to the Congregation
At our last board meeting on the first Thursday of October the board approved receiving and publishing the long-awaited Foothills Unitarian History book. We have all perused the draft and it is a remarkable narrative of our 125 year history. We also finalized our goals for the 2022-2023 board-year and we wanted to share these […]
September 2022 Board Update to the Congregation
Greetings from your Foothills Board of Trustees, The crisp air of fall is beginning to remind us that we are once again at the fall equinox and the nights will continue to get longer, the days shorter, and the inevitable winter is not far behind. The end of summer and start of fall is also […]
July 2021 Board Update to the Congregation
The Board of Trustees is excited to announce that the year-long revision to our Policy book is now complete. This most recent revision reflects the board’s lived experience of policy governance over the last three years. For those who are not familiar with the term policy governance, this is a formal structure of governing that […]
Letter from the Board: Restoring Wholeness
Sunday’s homily from Rev. Sean about how we respond to harm in our society, how we make amends for the harm that we cause, and how restorative justice offers a different response, might have reminded longer-term members that we have experienced misconduct from former religious professionals, that relationships have been lost in the aftermath, and that some […]
We Are Bringing Our Future Into Focus (And It’s Looking Amazing!)
If you judge a meeting by its agenda, September’s board meeting did not appear to have blockbuster potential.
New Board Year, New Board Goals
Greetings from your Board of Trustees, who are digging into the work of the new board year with virtual meetings and real-life excitement about the board goals we have agreed upon for this year.
Join us for our Annual Congregational Meeting!
Your Board of Trustees invites you to join us at our FIRST EVER ALL-VIRTUAL congregational meeting Sunday, June 14 at 11 a.m.!
From Your Foothills Board of Trustees
The Board met on March 25 to discuss possible next steps in our building expansion project, and we want to share our thinking with you.
Notice of Annual Meeting
Foothills Unitarian Church will convene its annual meeting of all members on June 2, 2019 at 12:30 pm.