Join us this Sunday, August 23, 2020 as we kick off our new series, Re-opening (Your Heart)
Auction Update
You do not want to miss out on the opportunity to bid on the wonderfully creative and thoughtful donations that have been offered by members of our congregation. This is also a great way to connect, have fun and support the work of our church.
Books YOU Love!
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We asked you to “Share the title of a book you love or have recently read and would recommend,” and you answered. We received an incredible response (thank you!) and have compiled a complete list of your book recommendations. Enjoy! To receive our weekly check-in notice, text the phrase “checksin” to 97-000 Fiction The Alchemist: […]
Ways to Mark Time
It doesn’t really feel like August, does it? August usually means back to school shopping, finding out where you sit and how your classroom will be set up. Or if you’re not connected to school, August often means preparing for fall trips or projects. But this year…what does August mean?
About the School News…
Hello friends…I don’t know about you, but my heart sank with the news this evening. It was different than how it sank the last time they announced we’d be going all online. Because then, it was hard – OK, impossible – but it was temporary. But this time….the second time in 6 months we’ve gotten the news that our kids would be moving to all-online home-based learning experience – can you believe this crazy time we are living in?! This time, it was different.
This Is Where We Really Shine
If you aren’t connected personally with schools right now, it may not have seemed like a big and heavy week. But get a real check in with any local students, parents, teachers, staff or people who love any of these types and you’ll quickly get to the impossible question of what to do about school.