The building is really taking shape. We are almost finished creating the basement walls, and steel structures should be going up by the end of December. The focus this month has been the weather. The cold is not conducive to working with concrete. In cold weather, the water inside the concrete mixture can freeze, which […]
Club Q and Transgender Day of Remembrance
Please join us in Old Town Square tonight (Sunday, November 20) at 5 PM for a solidarity vigil for Club Q and Transgender Day of Remembrance. Foothills Unitarian is co-hosting this important gathering. Charlie Williamson – lifelong UU, Foothills Congregant, and one of the leaders of our Foothills Youth Group – will open the vigil. […]
Be More Gay
After my last post, I kept thinking about how to take these ideas and invite in a collective conversation, as well as a more intentional strategic response. The conversation part that I’m thinking about is a kind of playful response to the Florida laws (as well as the various anti-trans moves, especially in Texas and Tennessee) […]
Gay Enough
My partner Carri and I were pretty early in our relationship when we started to wonder if we were “gay enough.” It wasn’t a new question for me; as a bi-identified person, more than a few lesbians have over the years questioned my queer credibility with a curious insistence: do you think you’ll end up with […]
Now is not a time for passing
With every new headline or “debate” about the latest wave of anti-LGBTQ legislation, I hear Audre Lorde: “My silence had not protected me. Your silence will not protect you.” In Florida, the literal intent of the law is silencing- to stop conversation and education that is anything other than cis and hetero. In Texas, the […]