Join us for our Annual Congregational Meeting!


Your Board of Trustees invites you to join us at our FIRST EVER ALL-VIRTUAL congregational meeting Sunday, June 14 at 11 am! We will congregate in our church zoom room; you can go to this link to log on: (This will also be at the top of the website home page in case you lose track of it.)  We will include some instructions at the beginning of the meeting about voting, asking questions, and participating in discussions.

All are welcome, and all those who have been Foothills members (signed the membership book) for longer than 30 days are welcome to vote. If you aren’t sure if you are an official member, please reach out to Amy Gage at; if you aren’t, but would like to be, she can help you take the next steps.

The agenda for the meeting includes the usual suspects (updates from board committees and task forces and the election of a slate of nominees to the board and other elected positions), as well as a board report about where the building expansion project stands. We will also update you on our work around realigning the endowment fund so that it fits more appropriately and functionally into our policy governance structure, and look forward to hearing your questions about this project. Rev. Gretchen will provide updates about the ministry of the church, including our community circles, our ongoing outreach efforts, as well as financial reporting from 2019 and the first quarter of 2020. She will also offer her sense of the year ahead, including her current thinking about gathering in small or bigger ways, as well as the staffing plan to meet the needs of ministry that is primarily all online.

We strongly encourage you to review the Notice of Meeting ahead of time. It includes the full agenda for the meeting, along with minutes from 2019-20 congregational meetings to approve, written reports from the Board and its committees and task forces, financial reporting from the ministry, and candidate bios for the slate of nominees presented by the Nominating Committee.

We continue to be awed by the willingness of Foothills congregants to hop aboard this strange ride we are all on, and hope to see you all next Sunday!

Sara Manvel Steen, Board President[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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