Your Future Self Hopes You’ll Read This (Disciplined: Week 1)

I have been anticipating this day for a while. The day after which most days will be mostly frozen, and where the rocky dirt in my yard will become even more impossible to dig into than usual.  Seriously, my yard is filled with rocks. Digging a hole 1 foot in diameter and 6 inches deep requires […]

Disciplined (worship series)

The other day at the gym I was standing beside the rack of dumbbell weight trying to decide which one I should pick for the next exercise.

Sinners & Saints: Week 5

Last Sunday we wrapped up our Sinners and Saints series (if you missed any of the messages or want to review check out this page).

Sinners & Saints: Week 3

The last two Sundays we’ve talked a lot about discomfort and harm in relationships. But it’s important to consider how these aren’t the same thing.

Sinners & Saints: Week 2

Since Kristen’s message on Sunday, I keep thinking about blame, and how often I’ve tried to shift my own discomfort on to someone else, including those I love the most.

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