HERE IT IS!! The long-awaited part for the HVAC system (the coil) is installed and ready to go! The five HVAC units have arrived, were installed on the roof, and are running. The arrival and placement were a fascinating production. Thanks to Peg for documenting the process! The crane and a flatbed truck arrive early in […]
The Building Bulletin: August 2023
We have good news on the building front!! You may remember that the rooftop unit for our HVAC system has been delayed while we waited for a coil required for the air handling unit to be shipped from overseas. We have been notified that the coil has been received and is being installed by the […]
The Building Bulletin: July 2023
Work is wrapping up on the construction site. The stucco is complete, providing a beautiful view of the finished west side of the building as you drive down Drake Street. At long last, we can see what we’ve been working towards for so long. The construction fencing was removed on July 5. One of the […]
The Building Bulletin: May 2023
We are getting closer and closer to enjoying our new sanctuary! The exterior of the building is reaching its final phases. The stucco workers are installing window trim and mesh in preparation for the stucco application. The stucco is applied in three layers, so don’t panic about its appearance during the application process. It will […]
The Building Bulletin: April 2023
The new sanctuary is really taking shape, both inside and out. The exterior insulation is finished, and the CMU (Concrete Masonry Unit) exterior walls are getting taller. The standing seam metal roof has been installed – if you stand in the right place, you can see pieces of it. The interior has the stage floor […]
The Building Bulletin: March 2023
Save the Dates: ⭐ Sunday, August 6: Join us for a ritual to say “goodbye” to our old sanctuary. ⭐Sunday, September 17: Join us to celebrate the grand opening of our new 400-seat sanctuary! We are heading down the last stretch of our building project. Much of the work (plumbing and electrical) is less visible from […]
The Building Bulletin: February 2023
Please join us tomorrow, Monday, February 13, from 4:00 to 5:30 in the Social Hall to celebrate the building’s progress and receive a tour of our new sanctuary. You’ll also have the opportunity to sign a piece of drywall that will be installed in our new sanctuary. Peter Ewers and Ann Ormsby from our architectural firm […]
The Building Bulletin: January 2023
Each day, we can see new developments on our building site. Work has been progressing just as quickly as before now, but it’s much more visible now – we can see our new sanctuary! There is structural steel, a cement floor, and a roof deck. Coming up is exterior framing and sheathing. The concrete deck […]
New Partnership with Playcrafter Kids
As many of you know, part of our plans to fund our new expansion, include developing rental agreements to increase annual revenue. It’s our goal to do this by creating values-aligned partnerships that utilize our space in low/no use times. We are excited to announce a new rental partnership with Playcrafter Kids, a performing arts education […]
The Building Bulletin: 2022 Year in Review
Happy New Year to all of you! This is our 2022 “year in review” of our building project – a milestone, to be sure. Steel structure is underway, letting us see the shape of the building. The weather, illness and the holidays are making work difficult. We hope 2023 will bring better conditions to make […]