Thanks for sharing some great ideas for soups to make this fall! Chili and Butternut Squash soup were the big winners. Here’s what was shared:
We Are Bringing Our Future Into Focus (And It’s Looking Amazing!)
If you judge a meeting by its agenda, September’s board meeting did not appear to have blockbuster potential.
Things YOU Love about Cold Weather
Last week we asked you to share 3 things about winter that you love. We turned your responses into a word cloud.
New Board Year, New Board Goals
Greetings from your Board of Trustees, who are digging into the work of the new board year with virtual meetings and real-life excitement about the board goals we have agreed upon for this year.
It’s Not Too Late!
Colorado weather has always been a little chaotic, and 2020 has brought all kinds of talk of us living in end times, but this week’s start of ash falling from the sky one day followed immediately by snow falling was next level apocalypse.
The Building Bulletin: September 2020
After our pandemic break, the Building Expansion Team (BET) is back on the job. When we left you, the board had authorized going forward with our building project and the congregation approved the financing plan. Since then much has changed. The BET has been looking at our new world and identified some questions to address:
The Power in the Familiar Made New
I am still feeling all the feelings from our water communion week! It was so wonderful to see your faces in the videos – and some of you in person at the few sites I was able to get to! It reminded me of how powerful it can be to find ways to both experience the familiar traditions as we move into the fall, yet also make space for innovation and creativity.
Songs YOU love!
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] We recently asked you “What is your go-to song for inspiration right now?” and you answered. Once again, we received an incredible response (thank you!) and have compiled a complete list of your song recommendations. Enjoy! To receive our weekly check-in notice, text the phrase “checksin” to 97-000 Foothills Community Inspirational Playlist “Beautiful Day” […]
How to Check Your Pledge Balance in Planning Center Online (PCO)
We are excited to share that you are now able to see your pledge progress online! Gone are the days of having to wait for us to reach out to you or having to call the office and wait for someone to call you back!