At our last board meeting on the first Thursday of October the board approved receiving and publishing the long-awaited Foothills Unitarian History book. We have all perused the draft and it is a remarkable narrative of our 125 year history.
We also finalized our goals for the 2022-2023 board-year and we wanted to share these with all of you so you can know what we will be working on this year.
- A linkage plan to our sources of accountability and authority. This is a UU process where the board reaches out to the congregation and our other sources of accountability and authority to find out exactly what direction you all feel we should be going as a church. This is an important tool for long range planning.
- Get our updated bylaws finalized and up for congregational vote at the June 2023 meeting. Some time in the late fall or early winter we will provide our revised bylaws for congregational review and set up meetings for feedback and discussion by interested congregants.
- Align our bylaws and policies with monitoring schedule. It is important in a policy/bylaws-based church governance structure that we as a board monitor that the policies and bylaws that we have set up are being followed. This is monitoring. Every board does this, but this schedule needs to be modified to reflect the new bylaws updates.
- Appoint a replacement board member to replace Richie Nelsen. Per board policy the board should replace a resigned board member for the remainder of the board-year.
- Review current board committees and decide which makes sense under the new policy-based governance and fill those committee positions.