We are happy to officially announce that we have added some additional board supports through the remainder of this governance year (through June 2023).
First, we are officially welcoming Joan Woodbury as a board member to fill the remainder of the vacancy left when Richie Nelson resigned in the fall. She will bring her experience as a past board president and a leader in other roles over the years. She also brings her professional experience as a lawyer. She will begin her term on February 1st with a special focus on assisting with forward-thinking board meetings, change management with the by-laws transition and overall role of the board as leaders within the church.
Second, we are adding April Undy as a Linkage task force member through June. April will attend board meetings as a guest with a special focus on assisting with the linkage work of connecting with community partners over the next six months. April brings her long history with the church as a member and a trustee on the board during our challenging years of misconduct disclosure and immediate healing.
Thank you to Joan and April for stepping into these leadership roles. We are grateful for the institutional knowledge and leadership experience they bring to our work.