At Foothills, our entire community does the work of ministry, not simply ministers and staff. This practice is core to who we are but can also create confusion as to the differences between paid staff and lay volunteers. Having strong boundaries that differentiate the roles of members and staff helps us manage the potential confusion […]
Introducing Our New Director of Finance and Operations!
Katie Watkins will start officially on July 27th, and between now and then will be beginning to learn more about our church and our systems. We will be setting up conversations with our finance and stewardship teams, as well as some open conversations so that you can get to know her as well.
Not Done With the Staffing News Yet!
We are so excited to announce that Tanner Linden will be joining our staff team as a part time Digital Marketing Manager beginning July 12th.
Staffing News from Foothills
I’m writing to let you know that Kathryn Boyle, our Office and Facility Manager has submitted her resignation notice. Kathryn has been with us for over a decade, and she has been a critical steady presence of care and commitment, especially over the transitions of the last few years. If you’ve ever helped put on an event, […]
Connecting to Serve
At the end of each Sunday service at Foothills, we close with these words: “…our service has just begun…”
Six Months So Far
by Kristen Psaki, Ministerial Resident One of my favorite ways to describe a minister is as a storyteller. Humans are a storytelling animal, after all. We think and learn and share and grow in and through stories. The story I shared with loved ones a few weeks after joining the ministry team last August was […]
Sad News About Foothills Minister Emeritus Rev. Dr. Marc Salkin
It is with great sadness that we share that Rev. Dr. Marc Salkin passed away this weekend.
The whole thing was a thin place – words and images from the Service of Installation
A few months ago I preached a sermon on “thin places,” that idea of a place where the holy is more accessible and where you feel in touch with beauty and mystery. In those places, transformation and healing are more possible – you have a sense of what Buddhism might call “equanimity.” Before we started the […]
Announcing Our New Assistant Minister!
We are thrilled to announce that the Assistant Minister Search Committee and the Rev. Gretchen Haley have enthusiastically selected Sean Neil-Barron to be our new Assistant Minister. Our Process In January, the Assistant Minister Search Committee (in its earliest form) held two congregational forums to consider together what we sought in a new Assistant Minister. […]