from Jane Everham What a bittersweet moment it was when I learned that Ingrid and family were moving, suddenly and secretly, to the Boulder Church for continued sanctuary. It had been my hope that a sanctuary would become available closer to Eliseo and Bryant, but in the months Ingrid was with us I got attached. […]
An Exegesis of the Reading from James Luther Adams
There was a version of the sermon on Sunday that included a full exegesis of James Luther Adams’ reading…but as you heard – or you’ll hear in the podcast – that version wasn’t the version that made it to the service. Too much else I wanted to say…. But, I know JLA is dense, and […]
New Leadership Development Model
from Karen Harder, Leadership Develoment Team Member It’s almost time to elect new church leaders. Where will they come from? A group here at Foothills has been busy envisioning a new way of growing our own. Instead of scrambling to find leaders to fill a nomination slate every year, a Leadership Development Ministry Team is […]
Following Up on #MeToo
It’s been a little over 3 weeks since our #MeToo worship service, and the conversation is just beginning. A few of our Senior Sisterhood groups have been taking up brave and tender conversations around #MeToo – sharing their own experiences and reflections with one another. The small group conversations for women to reflect on problematic […]
Meet Cartoonist Ward Sutton, Recently Honored Foothills Member
Interviewed by Jane Everham (Supplemental information from The Herb Block Foundation) Ward Sutton has been named the winner of the 2018 Herblock Prize for editorial cartooning. The Herblock Prize is awarded annually by The Herb Block Foundation for “distinguished examples of editorial cartooning that exemplify the courageous independent standard set by Herblock.” Ward Sutton will […]
Why I’m Grateful We Won’t Be Sponsoring a Black Lives Matter Event This Weekend
It started the way that so many Unitarian Universalist actions start: with a question. One of our members asked on a progressive social media site, why there had not been any response in Fort Collins to the most recent shooting death of a Black man by police officers – in this case, Stephon Clark in […]