Solar Panels Are Up and Running!

If you’ve visited the church in recent months, you may have noticed something new glinting in the sunlight—the solar panels on the western roof of Unity Hall and the sanctuary. With approximately 200 panels installed across these roofs, our system has a peak generating capacity of 100KW. These panels are part of Foothills’ ongoing commitment to climate justice and […]

Need Some Good News?

Ready for some good news? I’ve got two things for you.

To start, last Sunday I shared with you that there was a new local coalition emerging, led by people of color, directly addressing racism in our community. I invited you to take a leap of faith and support their leadership with financial support. My first piece of good news is that between the two services…

I Am Only One

Since last October, Sanctuary Everywhere has grown from providing in-church Sanctuary to Ingrid, an immigrant from Peru with a deportation order over her head, to accompanying asylum seekers living in detention under circumstances you’ve read about; to working with lawyers to get parole for them; and to providing housing with a host family, and a Village to support them as the asylum seeker navigates their new life in this country.

Foothills Announces Support of #MeToo movement

For Immediate Public Release – Full Text Foothills Unitarian Church is proud to announce our upcoming plans to explore and support of the #MeToo movement, which seeks to end the silence around sexual assault, harassment, and misconduct that people of all genders, and especially women, have experienced, and to draw attention to the magnitude of […]

Chalk Angels

by Karen Harder This is a story about the power of prayer and sidewalk chalk.  For the past six months, I’ve followed a spiritual practice of daily prayer.  What I pray to has changed with each of the UU sources we’ve studied in our Wellspring small group.  But my format remains roughly the same:  name […]

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