I’ve loved labyrinths for a long time, especially since a walk I took through the labyrinth at Sunrise Ranch in Loveland about 10 years ago. It was a time of major transition in my life, and turning through its tangles as the sun was setting one evening felt like unraveling my heart. I felt connected and alive and open to all that life would bring next.
The Return of the Paper Newsletter
It’s been about 5 years since we last had a monthly paper newsletter at Foothills (what was then called The Intercom). At the time, there was a sense that people weren’t really reading the (longish) newsletter, and it was A LOT of effort (and postage) to produce it each month. Since then, we’ve tried all sorts of ideas to get information out, some more and many less successful.
Is Amazon Prime the Best, or Worst, Idea Ever? (Future Tense: week 3)
Earlier this week, Carri and I decided to make some organizational improvements to our bathroom. We did all the research – checked out prices, read all the articles about organizations, figured out a budget, all in an afternoon. And then, in a few clicks, we ordered about 8 different things within 2 days later, with free shipping!
We Keep Finding the Future in the Past (Future Tense: week 2)
I so enjoyed our first “Throwback Sunday” this past week, with Sean engaging Rev. Walter “Roy” Jones, Jr.’s sermon from 1983, “Faith for the Long Haul; Faith for Right Now.” If you missed any of the three services, you can check out the podcast recordings in the links below.
If You Eat, You’re Invited!
It’s a well-known fact that some of the strongest relationships are formed over food. I’m sure that everyone can think of at least one example, whether its a Thanksgiving meal shared with a large family, weekend pizza with good friends, or that first dinner date where something between you seemed to just click. Food and community go together so frequently that it is almost impossible to separate the two.
The Other F Word (Future Tense: week 1)
After Nate Donovan’s capital campaign testimony last Sunday, a few folks asked me if he almost said “the f word.” I laughed and said, well, I guess it would’ve been Nate’s “f word.” Midway through, see, he said, “this is our chosen f-f-f—I can’t say that word!…spiritual tradition.”
I’ve seen the future! (It definitely includes you reading this blog post.)
Welcome to 2020! The turn of the year — and maybe even more so, the turn of the decade — is a natural place to consider the future.