NOTICE OF CONGREGATIONAL MEETINGThe Board of Trustees announces Foothills’ will host a congregational meeting on Sunday, February 23rd at 1 PM. This meeting will be available to attend online and in person. The purpose of this meeting is to vote on the annual operating budget for 2025, Q2-Q4. Please CLICK HERE to register for the Congregational Meeting.Unitarian […]
Shape the Future – Inform our Vision
Please join the Foothills Board of Trustees for important, discerning conversations (and yummy snacks!) about where we’ve been as a congregation, and where we’re going in the years ahead. How can we live out our faith through our daily life? How can we inspire others to become partners with us? How can we expand our push for courageous […]
Important News from the Internship Committee
The job of the Internship Committee, in simplest terms, is to guide and support our ministerial intern during this portion of their training in the quest to become a minister, and to submit an evaluation to the Ministerial Fellowship Committee at the completion of the internship. As many members of the congregation have expressed, having […]
Letter from the Nominating Committee
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Nominating Committee (Nom Com) is made up of three church members and a Board liaison. Members serve for staggered three-year terms and are tasked with developing a slate of candidates for the elected positions at Foothills. The committee meets monthly starting in November to develop a slate of candidates for the annual Spring congregational […]
I Am Only One
Since last October, Sanctuary Everywhere has grown from providing in-church Sanctuary to Ingrid, an immigrant from Peru with a deportation order over her head, to accompanying asylum seekers living in detention under circumstances you’ve read about; to working with lawyers to get parole for them; and to providing housing with a host family, and a Village to support them as the asylum seeker navigates their new life in this country.
Embracing the Uncertainty, and Seeing the Possibility: More Information on Gretchen’s Sabbatical
By now you probably know that Gretchen will be taking a sabbatical from from Monday, May 6th to Sunday, August 11th. Her last day on the pulpit was Sunday, April 21st. The practice of Sabbatical is long established in many religious traditions. It represents a “time away” for settled ministers and is seen as essential […]
Gretchen’s Upcoming Sabbatical
Our Senior Minister, Gretchen Haley, will be taking a sabbatical from from May 6 – August 11. Gretchen’s last day on the pulpit will be Sunday, April 21st.
The Nominating Committee at Foothills
By Linda Kothera I serve on the Nominating Committee (Nom Com, for short) at Foothills and have been asked to write a post about our work. We’ve made some changes over the last couple of years and are starting to see the fruits of our labor. First, a bit about what the Nom Com […]
In Your Words, Continued….
Our second weekly sharing of highlights of courageous love as experienced at Foothills and wishes for our congregation in the future.