Notice of Meeting: Congregational Meeting, Feb. 23, 2025

NOTICE OF CONGREGATIONAL MEETINGThe Board of Trustees announces Foothills’ will host a congregational meeting on Sunday, February 23rd at 1 PM. This meeting will be available to attend online and in person.  The purpose of this meeting is to vote on the annual operating budget for 2025, Q2-Q4. Please CLICK HERE to register for the Congregational Meeting.Unitarian […]

Simplifying Giving: New Names, Same Mission

At Foothills Unitarian, our commitment to unleashing courageous love is powered by your generosity. Whether you’re pledging, giving to the Sunday plate, or contributing to our Community Care Fund, your support makes a tangible impact on our community and beyond. To make it easier for everyone—newcomers and long-time members alike—to understand what they are supporting, […]

Solar Panels Are Up and Running!

If you’ve visited the church in recent months, you may have noticed something new glinting in the sunlight—the solar panels on the western roof of Unity Hall and the sanctuary. With approximately 200 panels installed across these roofs, our system has a peak generating capacity of 100KW. These panels are part of Foothills’ ongoing commitment to climate justice and […]

Rainbow Villages: Creating Sanctuary Under the Rainbow

In the wake of a tidal wave of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and hate which is sweeping our nation, I want to share with you what has been giving me hope.  For the last 3 months, we have been working at Foothills behind the scenes to launch what we are calling “Rainbow Villages.” Rainbow Villages creates sanctuary and support for […]

Setting up a recurring pledge payment

Did you know you can set up recurring pledge payments? Many of our members find recurring payments convenient and make fulfilling their pledge easier. Here’s how to set up your recurring pledge payment today: 1. Visit 2. Input the amount of your recurring pledge payment. You will select the payment schedule – weekly, every other week, […]

Migrant Response Update

As you probably know, since the week of Christmas, our congregation has been a part of the effort to support the 60 (mostly) Venezuelans who arrived in Fort Collins. What you may not know is what led to this action, what has happened since, or what comes next. Here is an update on all three: […]

Urgent support needed for migrants

Dear Foothills community, In the last few weeks, Colorado has seen a large influx of migrants. The impact in Denver is so significant, the mayor has declared a state of emergency. This became more localized to northern Colorado Sunday afternoon, when busses with about 60 newcomers arrived in Fort Collins – mostly from Venezuela. This […]

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