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CloseFoothills Community - June 27, 2021
A History of Foothills

Over the last few years, a group of church members has been gathering as the History Project to tell the story of our congregation, beginning with the seeds sown in the late 1800s. As you watch this video telling of our history, we invite you to listen for the values that have carried the community forward, and that will keep carrying us forward in comfort and in courage. Listen for the story you recognize - the transcendent truths of our community that we can lean on and place our trust in - no matter how life continues to shift. Most of all, listen for the steadfast presence of love that was offered to each person who arrived, as it has been offered to each of us as a gift - and the ways we are each in turn called to offer it to those who come next, ensuring that whatever the future brings, love abides.
Related Topics: Grounding in Unitarian Universalism, Practicing Church | More Sermons from Foothills Community | Download Audio
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