
Your Guide to Fall at Foothills!

With the return to school, pumpkin spice showing up on shelves and water communion around the corner, it’s clear – Fall is almost here!    As we settle into new routines, it’s so important to be grounded in community and to carve out time for reflection and centering.    Find four steps to make church […]

In Case of Emergency: A letter from Rev. Gretchen

Dear ones,   If you were present in the building for services this past Sunday, you may have noticed a flurry of activity in the entrance area during the sermon, including the arrival of emergency services.  One of our members had a medical emergency which required urgent attention. We are grateful to report that this […]

The Building Bulletin: August 2022

There are more and more people in fluorescent vests and hard hats moving around our grounds every day. We are finally in the construction phase of our project!!   The new electrical transformer has been installed, and the old transformer has been removed. Switching the building over to the new transformer began on Wednesday and should […]

Racial Justice Resources

Thank you to the Foothills’ Racial Justice and Healing Ministry (RJHM) for compiling the below racial justice resources. Click on the image category to see a full list. Join the RJHM’s email list to stay up-to-date on events, learning opportunities, and calls to action!

Channeling Our Queer Ancestors

Pride started with an uprising. In 1969 New York, drag queens, lesbians, gay men, and other gender non-conforming people fought back police attempting to arrest them for wearing “gender inappropriate” clothing – which was illegal at the time. For a good portion of my life, I couldn’t imagine what it must have been like to […]

The Building Bulletin: July 2022

WE HAVE A BUILDING PERMIT!!! It was beginning to feel like this day would never come. We had a couple of last-minute glitches, but now the permit is in hand, and we can move forward with the project. Thanks to Pinkard Construction and Ewers Architecture for seeing us through this frustrating process.   First thing Monday […]

Meet Our New Music Director!

We were so lucky to have had a very difficult decision in selecting our new music director. We had a strong applicant pool and two very strong finalists, and each would bring incredible – and distinct – gifts that, if they were hired, our congregation would be stronger and richer as a result. After careful discernment […]

Music Newsletter: Music Director Selection Process

What an exciting last two weekends we’ve had! Thank you all for being a part of welcoming and greeting and singing with our two music director candidates, Benjamin and Emily. We’ve waited a long time to have a non-interim music director, and it really hit me during these visits what a huge moment this hire […]

The Building Bulletin: June 2022

Thanks to everyone who attended the groundbreaking celebration! We heard some inspiring speakers and had a chance to reconnect with old friends and take photos with hard hats and shovels. After a rainy afternoon, the weather cleared, resulting in a very pleasant evening. If you are on the church grounds, take the opportunity to follow the […]

2022 Annual Congregational Meeting Summary

We followed our Flower Communion on Sunday with our sixth all-online congregational meeting. The annual meeting was very well attended, and we are happy to report that the congregation voted to approve the slate of nominees for the 2022-23 church year. The slate of nominees who were elected are: Diana Hutchinson to a 3-year term as […]

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