We followed our Flower Communion on Sunday with our sixth all-online congregational meeting. The annual meeting was very well attended, and we are happy to report that the congregation voted to approve the slate of nominees for the 2022-23 church year. The slate of nominees who were elected are:
Diana Hutchinson to a 3-year term as member-at-large. Thank you, Diana, and welcome to the board!
Walter Nash, who is completing his first year on the board, to a two-year position as board president. Much gratitude to you, Walter, for filling this key role.
Mary Klecan will serve the final year of Doug Powell’s three-year term. Doug resigned early to avoid any potential for conflict of interest after his wife Jenn Powell, discerned her call to serve on the staff of Foothills as operations manager. Thank you, Mary, for being willing to continue your board service for a second year in this way!
There is a second board position that remains open. The board of trustees, leadership development, and the Nominating Committee will work together over the summer to find and prepare a candidate. Pandemic disruptions created challenges for our leadership development processes and trainings over the past two years. Still, we are confident we will be able to identify and offer the appropriate candidate for the board position soon.
The board of trustees is so excited for the church year to come and is deeply grateful to the incoming slate of lay leaders who will keep this congregation running creatively, smoothly, effectively, and oriented always towards our mission.
You can watch a recording of the Annual Meeting on YouTube, and read the Congregational Packet (which includes reports from the Board President, Senior Minister, and Finance and Operations Director).
In partnership,
Sue Sullivan, Board President