Everything you wanted to know about charettes …..
What is a charrette?
A charrette is an interactive group session intended to generate design ideas.
What does charrette mean?
Back in the 19th century, architecture students at l’Ecole de Beaux Artes had a final project due every year. These designs, models, etc. were picked up by hand carts for grading. Much like my own schooling, many students were not completely finished and continued working as the cart was being pulled away. Thus they were working en charrette or in the cart.
What will the Foothills charrettes be like?
As people are arriving, you’ll be able to do some activities to help the architect learn about our values and priorities. There will be images (not necessarily church related) that illustrate values. You will be able to indicate which ones speak to you… and which ones don’t. There will also be a graph listing four items that compete for resources in the project. You can indicate which items are priorities for you. You also will be asked what you like about our current space and what you don’t.
Next on the agenda will be a brief introduction from our architect explaining the process and providing instruction for the main activities. We’ll break into groups and work on an activity designed to get your ideas about how to expand this building – make it 10 stories? Build it underground? No idea is too far-fetched. Finally, each group will present their ideas. The architect is interested in your ideas, but maybe more importantly the why of what you want to do.
But I’m not creative. Why should I come?
Because it will be a fun way to spend time with other church people. If you talk to Peter, our architect, you will see that he’s done this before. He will help you to engage in the process. Just in case the whole building seems too overwhelming, he will provide a couple of focused questions that you can think about. Everyone has something they can contribute.
Okay, I’m sold. When are they and how do I sign up?
We are holding 3 sessions. You just attend one, not all three. The dates are Tuesday February 5 at 6:30, Saturday February 9 at 9:30 and Monday February 11 at 6:30. Sign up here.
Can my kids come?
If you feel your older child can participate they are welcome. We’d like to have a group of our youth come, maybe forming their own group. There will be child care for younger children.
It will not come as a surprise that we will have to pay for the building. To that end, the Board has chosen a fundraising firm to help us. You will be hearing more about that soon, but you can help now! There are foundations and businesses that may be willing to help us, but we need contacts that sit on the boards or otherwise have some influence with these types of organizations. If you have such a contact (or are one yourself), please contact the Space Team so we can coordinate!
Looking Back
The space team has been working on selecting a capital campaign consultant. The Board has given approval to hire. While the campaign won’t begin until fall, the consultant will start learning about our finances, values and goals over the summer.
Looking Ahead
The focus for February has been the charrettes. After they are completed we will find a way to present the results. The architect will be working on preliminary designs. Look for a grand unveiling in April!
- The Space Team
The Space Team is Karen Johnese, Peg MacMorris, Chris Bettlach, Margaret Cottam and Jerry Hanley. Meetings are held in the RE building (usually in room 22) on Tuesday from 1:00 to 3:00. Visitors are welcome. If you have a topic you would like to present to the committee, please contact Karen ahead of time so it can be added to the agenda.