Thoughts on “Re-Opening”

It’s been a difficult week of news. We crossed the grim milestone of 100,000 deaths from COVID19, and stories of racialized violence and injustice echo across the country. None of this is a surprise, exactly.  But that doesn’t make it any less devastating, or wrong.

What’s New? (Serious Question!)

No, you’re not confused about the day of the week! It really is Friday! The Pulse (like the check in) is running a day behind this week. Like my favorite quarantine pick-me-up the Holderness Family says, though – “time has a different sort of meaning these days!”

News About Re-Opening

As we prepare for our 10th online service, there’s a lot about our Sundays that has started to feel really good, and connective. And yet…every week that goes by I wonder “how much longer before we can be together again?” I know I’m not alone.

What Can Save Us?

This is the week where my eyes decided they were done with video calls. Seriously, by Tuesday afternoon, I could barely open them. What stage of quarantine did you hit this week?

Good News if You’re Worried We’ll Get Too Big (To Love What Is Mortal: week 3)

A couple months ago, I showed up at a meeting where I was supposed to meet a Poudre School District administrator about a proposal they had for how Foothills could better support vulnerable students.  As I sat down, I thought I recognized the person they wanted me to meet.  But it took the whole hour before we both realized we live next door to each other!

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