During Sunday’s service, I asked how many of you typically have at least one awkward moment a day. The majority of you raised your hands. After 15 months of profound caution, social distancing, and, for many of us, long stretches of isolation, those awkward moments are more frequent than ever. And that’s okay! It’s normal to have awkward moments. As we explored on Sunday, awkward moments can open the door to deeper connection and, in turn, belonging. It’s also okay to feel like you’re out of practice when seeing others IRL (in real life) – I know I am.
With vaccination rates rising and cases of Covid-19 declining in Colorado, we’re excited to announce several upcoming opportunities to be together in person – opportunities where you can feel confident that your Foothills family will embrace awkward moments and create a space for you to stretch those social skills that may have taken a backseat during the wild and exhausting ride of the past year.
For our first IRL series spiritual practice, we’re not only exercising our social skills and embracing the awkward. We’re also supporting local restaurants – so many of which have struggled over the last year. Check out two ways to participate in Friends Night IRL HERE. And stay tuned for information about our second series practice, which will create space for small groups to gather at each other’s homes for pot luck dinners and conversation.
We’re also thrilled to announce the following IRL gatherings:
July 18th: Open House at the church with the ministers
August 21: Summer Picnic at Rolland Moore Park
September 19: Water Communion, outside at church
October 17: Our first, in-person, all-congregation service (Location TBD)
Additionally, there are two service opportunities and a Summer Solstice celebration coming up in June and July! Check out those chances to be together IRL below!
And remember, as you make this huge transition to life post-pandemic, you aren’t alone. We’re right here with you every step of the way.
In partnership,
Rev. Sean
Service Opportunities IRL
We have two upcoming opportunities for you to join fellow Foothills congregants in serving the broader Northern Colorado community.
First, join us on Saturday, June 26th for a day of service with Poudre Wilderness Volunteers! We’ll head up to the Comanche Peaks area to clear trails and do ecological restoration work. (The clean-up area about a 90-minute drive away, and we will help coordinate carpooling!) Please CLICK HERE to sign up!

Second, join us on Saturday, July 24th for Habitat Volunteer Day! Foothills is again one of the sponsor churches for the Habitat Multi-Faith Build. This year we will be providing both financial and volunteer support to build a home for Karen. There are two ways to participate (longer and shorter shifts), but spots are limited, so please register soon! CLICK HERE to learn more and sign-up.

Summer Solstice Celebration

Summer Solstice is the time when the Sun is at its zenith. It is a time of high energy, passion, and growth. The earth is in full bloom. Summer Solstice is also the time when the sun stops its northward movement and begins to slip southward.
For us in the northern hemisphere, it means we begin to experience the shortening of our daylight and the return of more nighttime hours. So though we celebrate the strength and power of the sun, we also must acknowledge the return of the dark.
We will mark this occasion on the church’s patio with a traditional solstice fire of cleansing and gratitude. We will also welcome the return of the dark. All church members and friends are invited to attend and participate. We will practice social distancing according to church guidelines, and masks will be optional. If you would like to share food after the ritual with others in attendance, please bring food to share. Salads and finger foods are encouraged. CLICK HERE to register!