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Sermon: “Homily: The Awkwardness of Re-Membering | Rev. Elaine Aron-Tenbrink | June 13, 2021” from Rev. Elaine Aron-Tenbrink

Rev. Elaine Aron-Tenbrink - June 13, 2021

Homily: The Awkwardness of Re-Membering | Rev. Elaine Aron-Tenbrink | June 13, 2021

Rev. Elaine explores what it means to reconnect after a year of separateness equalling safety - what it means to exercise many of the social, emotional, and spiritual muscles we didn't use while social distancing. She reminds us that we are all connected and that returning to togetherness may feel so intense because it is awakening our sense of communion with one another - and communion are intense!

From Series: "IRL"

Real life is awakward... especially now as we begin to emerge from 15 months of life mostly lived online. So, our June 2021 series is called IRL (internet shorthand for In Real Life). Together we’ll explore how to find wisdom in the awkwardness of post-pandemic living.

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