Having a public ministry means that sometimes, letters of hate arrive in our inboxes and mailboxes. It’s not the first time, and it won’t be the last. We could ignore them, but sometimes, they deserve a response—not to argue, but to name a deeper truth. Such was the case this week, on February 13th, we […]
Music Makes Belonging
When I tell people outside of Foothills about what happened in 2024 with our music ministry, most people are surprised, and also confused. Which I understand! It is surprising, and confusing, that after our prior music director Benjamin Hanson resigned last May, and then attempting a national search that didn’t result in a match, we […]
Update on Room Reservations at Foothills
We know it’s been frustrating at times to figure out how to reserve a room or get your event fully supported—and our old system didn’t always match the energy and mission you bring to Foothills. We hear you, and we’re working to change that. To do that we are revamping our process for requesting rooms […]
Notice of Meeting: Congregational Meeting, Feb. 23, 2025
NOTICE OF CONGREGATIONAL MEETINGThe Board of Trustees announces Foothills’ will host a congregational meeting on Sunday, February 23rd at 1 PM. This meeting will be available to attend online and in person. The purpose of this meeting is to vote on the annual operating budget for 2025, Q2-Q4. Please CLICK HERE to register for the Congregational Meeting.Unitarian […]
Celebrating Green Sanctuary
On Sunday January 26th, we celebrated our congregation’s affirmation as a Green Sanctuary through the UUA’s Green Sanctuary 2030 program. This was the culmination of three years of work by many, many people in our community, and an opportunity to reassert our commitment to the practices of green sanctuary throughout all of our ministries. This […]