Gender Fluent

As Unitarian Universalists, we proclaim that all genders are sacred and all people are worthy of love and belonging. But living that commitment requires us to learn, unlearn, and deepen our practice of true radical inclusiveness. So we created Gender Fluent, inviting congregations to become:


  1. Curious about gender – yours and other’s – without judgment or assumption
  2. Conversant learning new vocabulary and ways of thinking and talking about gender. No longer letting fear of missteps stop important conversations.
  3. Courageous to speak up and fight back against ideas, laws, and policies that tightly define gender or dehumanize trans and nonbinary people. Courageous to affirm your gender, whatever it is, and to embrace others.

We’re excited to share that our genderfluent curriculum is available for other churches to use! The curriculum includes worship service content for four Sundays, small groups facilitation guides, and more.


We are not requiring financial compensation to use this material. We ask that you: 

  1. attribute the content as appropriate
  2. inform us that you are using something here.

If you are moved to support our mission and help us continue to grow the reach of our mission, we are always grateful for financial support. You can make a donation online. For use of our GenderFluent Curriculum, we invite you to consider the breadth and depth of your use of the curriculum in discerning an appropriate donation amount. We suggest an amount of $50-$500, depending on your depth and breadth of usage.

We know gender fluency might stretch some more than others, so the curriculum includes guidance on offering and answering an anonymous question box. The GenderFluent curriculum doesn’t leave anyone behind. 

A stand-alone Sunday service structured around combatting four key pieces of misinformation that are commonly being weaponized against LGBTQ+ people, particularly the targeting of trans and nonbinary people and especially trans kids’ access to health care.

A guide for convening a group for Grandparents of Gender-Expansive, Gender-Fluid, Trans, Non-Binary kids and grandkids. In the group, Grandparents are invited to learn together about share stories, support and learning in a safe and affirming environment.

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