Young Children's OWL
Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education Program for Young Children, is an eight-workshop program that helps children ages 5-7 begin the lifelong process of acquiring information and forming attitudes and values about identity, relationships, safety and health.
Unlike many other sexuality curricula currently available, this program is comprehensive and progressive. In an inclusive and developmentally appropriate manner, it addresses sensitive topics that are typically excluded.
We are using the newly revised, second edition of the Curriculum which offers new and expansive ways of addressing gender identity and roles, sexual orientation, race, and ability. Sexual abuse prevention is addressed in a trauma-informed manner by placing the responsibility for prevention on adults, not on children. This edition teaches that babies begin with an egg, sperm, uterus, and someone to care for them, with several options for how those combinations may occur.
Parents and children attend a course Orientation and meet two additional times in person. The remainder of the course content is provided as a Parent/Child Home Study Guide so that you can engage with your child at home at a pace that feels right for your family. Conversation starters, activities and suggestions to foster future conversations with your child are provided.