Find Your Path at Foothills
There are many opportunities for people of all ages and stages to grow spiritually at Foothills Unitarian. Whether you are brand new to Unitarian Universalism or have been attending Foothills for decades, we have opportunities for you to grow in addition to attending Sunday services. To make it easier for you to find your path, we’ve grouped our learning opportunities into three stages: Seeker, Partner, and Guide. Explore all stages of our adult spiritual development path through the interactive map below!
- You are new to Foothills Unitarian and/or Unitarian Universalism or am looking to find your place in community.
- You are curious where this spiritual path leads.
- You are seeking tools for meaning-making.
- You are eager for a means to make a difference.
- You are craving a community of belonging and care.
- You want to deepen in your spiritual journey and partner with others along your path.
- You are Practicing Unitarian Universalism in your everyday life.
- You are accountable in mutual care and learning.
- You are trusting transformative relationships in this community.
- You want to be an active partner in making the mission of Foothills Unitarian a reality.
- You are sustaining Unitarian Universalism and the Foothills community.
- You are growing the impact of Unitarian Universalism.
- You are leading others in deepening their journey.

You are new to Foothills Unitarian and/or Unitarian Universalism and are looking to find your place in community.
You want to deepen in your spiritual journey and partner with others along your path.
You want to be an active partner in making the mission of Foothills Unitarian a reality.