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What do families need most right now? There are a lot of answers to that question. Stay healthy. Keep active. Check in with family by Skype or Zoom. Wash your hands. Donate. Watch Netflix…In the midst of all this advice, the voice of your Unitarian Universalist faith says, “Be sure to set aside time and a space for ritual, rest and connection.” But how do we do that when we can’t meet at our church building?

We have created this new resource for you called Family Home Chalice!
We want to help families carve out ritual space in their homes and weekly schedules. We want to honor ancient spiritual wisdom that says ritual, rest and connection are a must, not “extras” to be fit as we can. Especially during trying times.
We have designed this resource to be easy for you! You can do these Family Home Chalice Rituals daily, weekly, occasionally…you choose whatever works for your family.

Here are the resources we have created for you – 

  • REQUEST A FAMILY HOME CHALICE KIT CLICK HERE  –  to fill out the request form. Betsy will literally drop it off at your doorstep! The kit includes materials for you to make your own home chalice, words for lighting your chalice, UU coloring & activity sheets and few treats!
  1. Tuesday June 9th 7:00 pm – Family Faith at Home – Introducing the Family Home Chalice
  2. Tuesday July 7th 7:00 pm – Using Stories to teach UU Spiritual Values
  3. Tuesday August 4th – “UU Everywhere” – bring Unitarian Universalism into our everyday family life

Throughout the summer we will be sending  you more materials with instructions for adding a new pieces to your Family Home Chalice, and some fun activities to help your family lean into creating UU ritual rest and connection together at home.

We are excited to begin this adventure with you

Your Family Ministry Team – Eleanor, Lauren & Betsy