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Find Your Path: Partner

Welcome, Partner. We are all on this winding journey together. Our “Find Your Path” guide isn’t exact, and most will wind back and forth – sometimes circling back and sometimes leaping forward throughout their lifetime spiritual journey. The Partner map of spiritual deepening below may be a good place for you to find your next step if these statements are true for you:

  • You want to deepen in your spiritual journey and partner with others along your path.
  • You are Practicing Unitarian Universalism in your everyday life.
  • You are accountable in mutual care and learning.
  • You are trusting transformative relationships in this community.

Find Your Next Step

As a UU, you never stop exercising your grounding, resilience, and freedom. Find a new or deepen your spiritual practice.

Going deeper in your spiritual path requires community and the practice of covenant – making promises and commitments to yourself and others.  Learn the four ways you can live this out.

Classes, workshops, and retreats to help you learn, grow, and take the next steps along your path. Learn More.

These are challenging times. How do we turn overwhelm into inspired action? By fostering resilience with others. Learn more.

A 10-month program of reflection around Unitarian Universalist history and theology, and the “big questions” that are central to our Unitarian Universalist faith: including human nature, death, joy, and forgiveness.These are challenging times. How do we turn overwhelm into inspired action? By fostering resilience with others. Learn more.