Our Mission and Values
Unitarian Universalism is a democratic faith which means the members of a UU church decided what their mission and vision will be. In 2016, after 16 months of discerning together what our mission should be for this moment in time, Foothills members voted to adopt a new mission statement:
Foothills Unitarian Church unleashes courageous love in Northern Colorado and beyond by embracing our diversity, growing our faith,
and awakening our spirits to the unfolding meaning of this life.
What is Courageous Love?
Our mission call us to unleash courageous love… but what does that actually mean? Rev. Sean explains:
Our Bold Vision
We, the members of Foothills Unitarian Church, commit to create and sustain a healthy, vibrant religious community where:
Our Guiding Values
Our congregation is guided by our shared values and vision:
- Joyful Resilience
- Collective Courage
- Deepening Belonging
- Transcendent Wonder