Bring some intention into how you navigate time. Sign up to receive a 1-minute message from Rev. Sean every other day by text or email, January 15-30. 

Together, we’ll explore and apply 10 tools from the book that inspired our January Series: Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman. These tools will help you partner with time, set appropriate boundaries, embrace reality and live more fully.

Journey groups offer an opportunity to come together and build community in multi-generational, structured small groups.

Our theme for Winter Journey Groups (starting the week of January 22) is “Our Histories.” Over six weeks, we will each engage in a personal live review. Together, using the Foothills History Project book, we will reflect on themes from Foothills’ past and how those themes touch our own stories. 

Explore anti-racism by taking a deep dive into Resmaa Menakem’s My Grandmother’s Hands. We will be learning and practicing how to settle our central nervous systems and build our capacity and anti-racism muscles through somatic exercises. 

There are two Sunday Zoom groups to choose from. One will meet from 3:30-5:30 PM every other week. And the other will meet 4:30-6:30 PM every other week.

Series Song:

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