Join us in a transformative journey through nature with
our "Terra Divina" practice during our new worship series

How To Participate in Terra Divina

A contemplative practice that connects us to Nature.
Go to a place in nature that calls to you – a park, river, forest, nature trail, or your backyard.

  1. Pause: Separate yourself physically and mentally, from daily life to prepare for mindful awareness.
  2. Wander: In your chosen spot, find stillness and select a natural element to focus your senses on, such as a rock, cloud, or cluster of leaves. Open your imagination and bring your full presence.
  3. Wonder: What do you see, hear, smell? Focus your attention to absorb every detail. Be fully attentive, use all of your senses. Reflect on the feelings and thoughts that arise. How does this moment connect with your life? What insights can nature offer?
  4. Ask: Reflect on the feelings and thoughts that arise. How does this moment connect with your life? What insights can nature offer? Use your journal to record these reflections through words, drawings, or any form that captures your experience.
  5. Share: Conclude your practice by reflecting on the experience and noting any changes in your thoughts or emotions. Use your journal to record these reflections through words, drawings, or any form that captures your experience. Bring a symbolic item back from your journey, if possible.
  6. Return: Offer gratitude to this place you have been. Bring a symbolic item back from your journey (a rock, flower, or poem) for our shared Terra Divina altar at Foothills.

Bringing Your Terra Divina Experience to Church

Each Sunday during the series, we invite you to bring physical symbols of your Terra Divina practice—be it stones, leaves, or creative expressions like poems or drawings—to contribute to our communal “Terra Divina Altar” located at the entrance of our Sanctuary. This shared space celebrates our collective spiritual journey through nature.

Online Participation and Sharing

If you’re joining us remotely or prefer to engage online, we encourage you to visit our dedicated Terra Divina web page where you can submit your reflections, photos, and short videos. This digital altar allows our entire community, regardless of physical presence, to share and witness the profound connections made with the sacred land.

Submit Your Own Terra Divina
Experience For Our Digital Altar

Terra Divina Digital Altar

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