We know that parents are struggling with their own schooling and safety decisions and longing for UU community with the other parents.  Some of us are struggling with our privilege to make a decision with only the best interests of their own kids in mind. Others are struggling with real life painful decisions about risk and our own family’s safety. All of this feels like an overwhelming amount to navigate.

These words from Rev Sarah Lamert who is the mother of a special needs child spoke to me…

Keep breathing. You are enough even when you don’t feel like you are.

  • It is enough if you don’t do any cleaning because you are juggling a paying job and time with your kids.
  • It is enough to manage getting by with half or less of your previous household income right now rather than attending to the full educational needs of your child this week.
  • It is enough if you have to resort to having cereal for dinner some nights because you don’t have the time or energy to cook.
  • It is enough to sit outside your front door for a time out, and it is enough if you need to cry.
  • It is enough if burn-out overtakes you; it is enough to recognize burn-out coming and take the break you need.
  • It is enough to take joy in the simplest things, and to mourn all that is lost.

Unitarian Universalist values, practices, and virtual connections can support families in new ways at this time.

Here are some ideas to explore –

By Rayla D. Mattson

UU religious educator Rayla Mattson, a Black mother,

reflects on parenting during a pandemic, helping her children
process racial trauma, and finding hope in these uncertain times.


By Janice Marie Johnson

In April of this year, in Washington DC, my Aunt Mae learns that she has to fight an aggressive cancer that is overtaking her blood system. She is shipped to a low-standard hospital, rather than to the better hospital closer to her home. Her daughters, all essential health care workers reliant on public transport…

By UUA Congregational Life Staff Group

Talking with kids about the coronavirus can be hard. Here are some resources – including social stories and age appropriate science based information to share with children.


a list of agreements made by a family

By Jason Seymour

Stuck at home together, every family member’s behavior affects others some exponential degree more than usual. Families may wish to try making a covenant together.

By Michelle Richards

Michelle Richards provides helpful tips for talking with children about the pandemic, including how much to say,

what to watch for and ways to reassure them.
By Sarah Lammert

Here is Sarah Lammert’s full article – I’ve been talking with some of you who are parenting children and teens with special needs at home during this pandemic. I’m hearing that the standard parenting advice out there doesn’t feel relevant and even feels shaming and harmful.

By Cecilia Kingman

Hey parents who now have kids underfoot, I want to say something that might be shocking. I want to give you permission to NOT DO ANYTHING ACADEMIC with your kids. I want you to know that whatever you need to do to get through this slow moving crisis, it will be enough.



By Evin Carvill Ziemer

Parents who are facing several weeks cooped at home need community support! Here’s some advice compiled from religious professionals.

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