Talking about death, grief and loss

As parents, we want to be able to help our children navigate the experience of losing a loved one, animal or human. When we lose someone or something we love, our response is grief. Grief is difficult to handle because it is not one emotion but many–sadness, depression,  bewilderment, despair, helplessness, loneliness, emptiness, meaninglessness, and […]

Parenting in Troubling Times

Hateful violence and calamitous natural disasters touch all of us. Hearing about about scary events can leave children feeling unnerved, angry, or shaken. One need not have directly suffered from a natural disaster to be frightened, angered, or upset by nature’s power to cause harm. Parents want to help our children emotionally and spiritually process what is happening in and outside […]

Gender Spectrum Resources

How can I best raise my gender variant or transgender child with love and compassion, even when I barely understand the issues ahead of us? And what is gender, anyway? These resources help offer a deeper understanding of gender variant and transgender children and teens so that we are better equipped to support our children […]

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