We are thrilled to welcome Benjamin Hanson as our new Music Director! (Read his bio on our Ministers & Staff Page.) Benjamin is excited to get to know the congregation and has organized several opportunities to meet, greet and sing with you! Check them out below
Foothills Global Peace & Justice team and our Music Ministries are excited to invite the community to an evening exploring the power of music and the call of peace. In our first hour, we will watch the powerful documentary, The Singing Revolution and learn about the ways the people of Estonia used music and singing to free themselves from decades of Soviet occupation.
In the second hour, we’ll hear from our new Music Director Benjamin Hanson, who was in Estonia this spring as a part of their ongoing national choral gathering, a time where tens of thousands of people come together to sing! We will end our time practicing the message of the film – by learning and singing together traditional Estonian songs. This will be a powerful, special event – we hope you can join us, and please invite your friends!
Join Benjamin for choir rehearsal every Wednesday (starting August 31) from 6:30-8:30 PM at the church. The Foothills choir is about the joy of making music together – no musical experience necessary! The choir sings at services, memorials, and other church and community events.
Join Benjamin on Saturday, August 27, for a start-of-year choir retreat! This event is open to anyone interested in learning more about the Foothills Choir, whether you’re a longtime member or a newcomer. If you’ve ever wondered what choir is all about, this is your chance to find out!
Attendees will receive vocal instruction, learn musical skills, get to know other choir members, and start learning music for upcoming services. No prior musical experience necessary, just come ready to sing!
Meet Benjamin at the Senior Social Potluck on Monday, September 19th from 5-8 PM at the church. All seniors are welcome to gather for food, fellowship, and conversation with each other and Benjamin!
Please note the Social Senior Potluck is being held the 3rd – rather than the 2nd – Monday in September due to construction.
Meet Benjamin at the Slightly Senior Sisterhood Luncheon on Monday, September 19th from 12-1:30 PM at the church. All women 50 or better are welcome to gather for a salad lunch and conversation with each other and Benjamin!
Please note the Slightly Senior Sisterhood Luncheon is being held the 3rd – rather than the 2nd – Wednesday in September due to construction.