Every person contains contradictions and complexities beyond what you might ever imagine. Even you. There are parts of ourselves that lay dormant or emerge at different stages of our lives and can come as a big surprise when they do. One of the gifts of a diverse, multi-generational community is that through relationship we can better see and know the fullness of our own stories and the fullness in others. This idea is the celebration at the heart of our annual Flower Communion ceremony.
Details for In-Person Flower Communion
We will gather at 9 AM at the church for our first flower communion ceremony in our sanctuary since June 2019!
Please bring a flower cut from your garden, collected from wildflowers, or bought at the store. You will go home with a flower from someone else.
All ages will stay for the service the whole time, although nursery care will be available for kids four and under.
RSVP HERE! (If you’ve already registered for summer or if you attended any in person service in May, you do not need to register again.)
Details for Online Flower Communion
We will gather at 9 AM on Zoom for an online Flower Communion ritual! You can also watch a broadcast of our Flower Communion service at 11 AM. Please have a flower next to you during the service.
Storytelling is one of the oldest and most powerful forms of connection. By sharing our stories and bearing witness to the stories of others, we cultivate understanding and belonging.
We are joyful to launch the Foothills Unitarian storytelling project through which we invite members of our community to share their stories of Foothills. From engaging with justice to receiving care, from a memorable moment at Buckhorn to a meaningful sermon, we want to hear it all. We welcome stories that share a journey (to Unitarian Universalism, to Foothills, to service) or reflect on a single moment.
We have two ways you can share your story!
1. Submit your written story! We have congregants and staff members on hand to help with editing. Email your story to our Creative and Communications Manager, Kelsey DiAstra, at kelsey@foothillsuu.org. (Please still fill out the form to let her know it’s coming!)
2. Meet with one our of Story Project leaders to share your story orally or in an interview. The Story Project leader will then write your story (which you can then help revise and craft!)
If you think you might have a story to share, but are feeling uncertain, we understand! Storytelling is vulnerable! Please still fill out this form and let us know! We’ll be in touch to talk through the process.