Prayer Bead Rituals for Children and Families
Prayer beads are a fun and simple way to establish daily ritual in the spiritual life of your family, and a wonderful tool for naming the important things in one’s heart.
Set aside calm and focused time for this ritual – bedtime or dinnertime are great options!
Have your child hold each bead in turn and slide it toward the heart at the end as they follow the prompts. Try out whichever of these specially crafted variations feels right for your family.
For Toddlers, Preschoolers
White – Breathe in & out
Red – Who do I love?
White – Breathe in & out
Green – Who loves me?
White – Breathe in & out
Yellow – Who Did I Help Today -or-Â How Can I Help?
White – Breathe in & out
Blue – Who helps me?
White – Breathe in & out
For Elementary-Aged Kids & Older
White – Breathe in & out
Red – HELP Who or What in my life or in the world needs help?
White – Breathe in & out
Green – THANKS What am I grateful for?
White – Breathe in & out
Yellow – SORRY Is there a sadness or apology that I’m holding in my heart?
White – Breathe in & out
Blue – WOW What fills me with wonder, mystery or awe?
White – Breathe in & out
Make Your Own!
What important things do YOU want to name? What guides your life, or calls to your spirit?Â
Create your own practice, assigning a different focus to each color. The white beads can always stand for breath at the beginning and end, and in between each prayer.Â