The Starting Place for Partnering with Foothills as a Member
We know that it can be quite a journey to choose a new church home, or perhaps to choose a church home for the very first time. You might have lots of questions, thoughts and wonderings as you move toward partnering with Foothills as Member – which is why we created BaseCamp.
Living into our Foothills mission to unleash courageous love in Northern Colorado and beyond requires partnership, shared commitment, and the sacred promises of covenant. At our half day BaseCamp mini retreat, we will explore:
- The power of transformative relationships
- Spiritual deepening in community
- The foundation of our mission and vision at Foothills
- The intersections of Courageous Love with our lives
If you are looking to move forward on your journey to partnering with Foothills as a member, or seeking a place to renew, BaseCamp is your next step. BaseCamp, along with three specific modules of the 10-part Inquirers series, form the orientation that our bylaws require for partnering with Foothills as a member. The Inquirers sessions are Small Group Connections and Belonging, Partnering with Foothills as a Member, and Stewardship and Governance. These Inquirers Sessions and BaseCamp can be taken in any order.
Childcare is available with 48-hour advance registration, and may be cancelled if fewer than 2 children are registered.