Series Video
The Share the Plate recipient for Coming Home is Sanctuary Everywhere, a Foothills Unitarian Justice Ministry through which we companion immigrants seeking asylum in the United States. Click here to learn more about Sanctuary Everywhere.
Series Song
“Our theme song for the first three Sundays of our Coming Home series is “Home” by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes. Among the Tzutujil Mayans, when young people start showing an interest in courtship and dating, they are set on the path of initiation into adulthood. It is understood that the romance felt for another human being is, in fact, a desire for a part of one’s own soul. Through the process of bringing this lover that is in fact oneself back home, each youth learns how to be a complete person. As an adult, they are then capable of serving their community in new ways. Perhaps that is what coming home is all about; finding self-love, discovering the mysteries within, and doing so in the context of a community of mutual support. Consider how you might come home anew as you sing along.” – Rev. Christopher Watkins Lamb, Music Lead
Series Offerings
As we come back together in real life, we acknowledge that we have been changed, as individuals and as a community. To help facilitate reconnecting and reflecting, church members will be hosting semi-structured meals and activities during the month of August. We encourage everyone to find a gathering that works for you – there are several options! Click the button below to sign up for a gathering (or let us know if you’re interested in hosting a get-together!)