New Partnership with Playcrafter Kids

As many of you know, part of our plans to fund our new expansion, include developing rental agreements to increase annual revenue. It’s our goal to do this by creating values-aligned partnerships that utilize our space in low/no use times. We are excited to announce a new rental partnership with Playcrafter Kids, a performing arts education […]

The Building Bulletin: 2022 Year in Review

Happy New Year to all of you! This is our 2022 “year in review” of our building project – a milestone, to be sure. Steel structure is underway, letting us see the shape of the building. The weather, illness and the holidays are making work difficult. We hope 2023 will bring better conditions to make […]

The Building Bulletin: November 2022

The building is really taking shape. We are almost finished creating the basement walls, and steel structures should be going up by the end of December. The focus this month has been the weather. The cold is not conducive to working with concrete. In cold weather, the water inside the concrete mixture can freeze, which […]

The Building Bulletin: October 2022

The news about our new building this month is concrete. We’ve had two con concrete pours, creating the footings and a stem wall for the foundation. First, forms are built, and rebar is installed. Every intersection between horizontal and vertical rebar is wired together to keep it from spreading.  Before concrete is poured, the structural […]

The Building Bulletin: September 2022

We are seeing a lot of changes on the construction site every day. To make it easier for you to see what’s going on, we’ve asked the contractor to take down the fence covering next to the patio and sanctuary. There is also one accessible window on the upper floor of the education building that gives a […]

The Building Bulletin: August 2022

There are more and more people in fluorescent vests and hard hats moving around our grounds every day. We are finally in the construction phase of our project!!   The new electrical transformer has been installed, and the old transformer has been removed. Switching the building over to the new transformer began on Wednesday and should […]

The Building Bulletin: July 2022

WE HAVE A BUILDING PERMIT!!! It was beginning to feel like this day would never come. We had a couple of last-minute glitches, but now the permit is in hand, and we can move forward with the project. Thanks to Pinkard Construction and Ewers Architecture for seeing us through this frustrating process.   First thing Monday […]

The Building Bulletin: June 2022

Thanks to everyone who attended the groundbreaking celebration! We heard some inspiring speakers and had a chance to reconnect with old friends and take photos with hard hats and shovels. After a rainy afternoon, the weather cleared, resulting in a very pleasant evening. If you are on the church grounds, take the opportunity to follow the […]

The Building Bulletin: May 2022

Groundbreaking Ceremony on May 17th. The church has been investigating an expansion in some form since 2008. This latest effort has been ongoing since 2016. Thousands of volunteer hours from previous building teams, board members, fundraisers, group facilitators, and more have gone into this project. We are finally about to see the fruits of our […]

The Building Bulletin: April 2022

The big news this month is that we have scheduled a groundbreaking celebration for May 17th! This day was a long time coming, and we are so excited to kick off the start of construction. We will be sending more information soon. In the meantime, mark your calendars. You’ve all helped make this possible, so join in […]

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