Foothills Unitarian Open House, Ribbon Cutting & Building Dedication
Saturday, April 13
1 PM to 3 PM – Open House, building tours, cake
2 PM to 2:30 PM – Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Ceremony Speakers:
- Opening Remarks and Land and Labor Acknowledgement from Rev. Gretchen Haley, & Foothills Climate Justice Ministry Team
- Rep. Andrew Boesenecker, Colorado House District 53 Representative
- David Rout, Executive Director, Homeward Alliance
- Dr. Janina Farias, CEO, La Cocina
- Jody Donovan, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, Colorado State University and longtime Foothills member
- Rev. Carlton Eliot Smith, Regional Lead, Pacific Western Region of the UUA

Sunday, April 14

Visiting minister Rev. Molly Housh Gordon. Foothills Choir will debut a specially-commissioned choral piece with words by Rev. Gretchen Haley and arrangement by Adam Podd.
Service times:
8:30 AM, in person
10:30 AM in person & online