Usually when I write a post like this, especially in this last year, I start with a wish that I hope that this finds you doing well. But tonight, I am hoping that this finds you angry, and deeply disturbed. Because what happened today in our country should anger and disturb all of us. […]
What You Need for the Week Ahead
If the election of 2016 came as a shock, as you move through this next week, you will hold in your body and heart the sense memory of all you experienced that week. It may show up in surprising ways this week – all that grief, fear, pain you felt back then, coming up all over again.
A Message for the Moment…
Last week, the night sky – at least according to my star app – was supposed to be perfect. Perfect to glimpse Mars, perfect for the shooting meteors coming from Orion.
Faith in Action = Voting
We are all holding the tension of this moment, of the smoke outside our windows, the rising COVID numbers, and the pending election. At so many moments we feel powerless, but over the next few weeks we hold great power. We each have an opportunity to put our faith in action, as we cast a vote. A vote that enables us to make our values known alongside millions of other Americans.
Zooming Out, Seasons of Change, and UU the Vote!
As my kids have gotten older, we’ve learned to accept that whatever they want to watch on the internet, they are going to watch. It’s a little like when I was younger and my friends who didn’t have TVs would come over and want to watch TV the whole time. You just can’t stop teenage curiosity and ingenuity.
Are You Whelmed?
I don’t know about you, but my social media feed this Wednesday was filled with regret. I mean – regrets from those who’d chosen to watch the debate! And, who, even 24 hours later, were left with a sense of anxiety and destabilization they couldn’t quite shake.
It’s Not Too Late!
Colorado weather has always been a little chaotic, and 2020 has brought all kinds of talk of us living in end times, but this week’s start of ash falling from the sky one day followed immediately by snow falling was next level apocalypse.
The Power in the Familiar Made New
I am still feeling all the feelings from our water communion week! It was so wonderful to see your faces in the videos – and some of you in person at the few sites I was able to get to! It reminded me of how powerful it can be to find ways to both experience the familiar traditions as we move into the fall, yet also make space for innovation and creativity.
Ways to Mark Time
It doesn’t really feel like August, does it? August usually means back to school shopping, finding out where you sit and how your classroom will be set up. Or if you’re not connected to school, August often means preparing for fall trips or projects. But this year…what does August mean?
About the School News…
Hello friends…I don’t know about you, but my heart sank with the news this evening. It was different than how it sank the last time they announced we’d be going all online. Because then, it was hard – OK, impossible – but it was temporary. But this time….the second time in 6 months we’ve gotten the news that our kids would be moving to all-online home-based learning experience – can you believe this crazy time we are living in?! This time, it was different.