Nomination Committee: Upcoming Board and Nominating Committee Vacancies

12/10/2024, Cheryl Hazlitt

The Nominating Committee has begun its annual conversations with the Board of Trustees and with ministry to assess upcoming vacancies for elected positions.  

Diana Hutchinson and Sue Bloomfield will be leaving the Board of Trustees as their terms have been completed. Christine Engelen is rotating off the Nominating Committee leaving a vacancy to be filled for 2026 as well.  

The Board will evaluate the skills and abilities needed for church leadership in the next few years, and communicate back to us, and then we will work with ministry to assess who is ready and a good fit for these openings.  

If you are interested in deeper engagement in the leadership of Foothills UU, please contact Gretchen or Sean (after her sabbatical begins) to get involved in leadership development.  Our deadline each year to present a slate of candidates for the board to review is by the end of March, which comes more quickly than you might imagine! 

Board work involves handling regular business that impacts the operations, functions and congregants, as well as serving as leaders in our church community.  The Nominating Committee works behind the scenes to assist the Board in correspondence, management of potential candidates and development of the process to create a new slate of officers for the annual June congregation committee. Please let us know if you would like more information about the role of a Board member or the Nominating Committee.  

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