UU the Vote

As we look ahead to the election, many of us are looking for ways to take action on behalf of Unitarian Universalist Values. Our partnership with UU the Vote provides a variety of options so that you can find the action that feels like your right yes.  

To get started, be sure to join the Foothills’ UU the Vote Group where opportunities for Foothills-connected engagement will be posted, and also go to uuthevote.org to get information from the national campaign directly.

Education & Advocacy 📚

In the coming weeks we have two opportunities for education & advocacy:

🚩 October 7th at 7 pm Ballot Issues Presentation hosted by the League of Women Voters. A full review of all 14 Initiatives on this year’s Ballot. Non-partisan, educational. Register here. 

🚩October 18th at 6 pm when we will host Colorado legislators at Foothills as a part of our Climate Fridays action.

Letter Writing ✅ Many of you have already started your UU the Vote Efforts by writing more than 4,000 letters to GOTV to voters in swing states in partnership with Vote Forward. Those of you who still have letters should bring them back by this Sunday, October 5th.👏

Windshield Project 📝 Starting the weekend of Oct 14th, help distribute quarter-sheet palm cards to car windshields in parking lots at CSU, Front Range, and UNC. The cards are non-partisan but identify issues of concern such as reproductive rights, education, and gun control as well as a map showing the specific ballot box location. For more info and to sign up contact Tom Rhodes

Calls to Action 📞

Every week brings another advocacy opportunity at the City, County, State, or National Level. Joining the IAT will keep you informed about these opportunities.

Local Canvass Push 👊We are working with the Side With Love and UU the Vote National Campaign to organize a get out the vote push on 

November 1st and 2nd – the weekend before polls close, specifically focused on the closest legislative district.

More info coming soon.

How We Advocate at Foothills

We are excited to share that we have joined the interfaith coalition, Together Colorado. Their work specifically helps us advocate on behalf of affordable housing, criminal justice, climate justice, economic justice, immigration and health care. The calls to action and opportunities to engage that come to us from Together Colorado will also be shared through the Intersectional Action Team.

Nearly every week we receive opportunities and invitations to advocate and show support for an initiative at the city, county, state, national and even global level. To help provide guidance about how we can respond to these requests for support in a timely manner, we have created this procedure. You’ll see that the main starting place for advocating at Foothills is to be a part of a team. Join a Social Change team on our Groups Directory, and/or be a part of our Intersectional Action Team.  

Because we are explicitly non-partisan, sometimes you may want to work outside of the church to further our values. One example is the work of the States Project, an organization that many in our community have connected with. To learn more or to get connected with this organization, contact church member Ticie Rhodes

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