UU the Vote Opportunities – Week of 10/28

  1. Join the UU the Vote, Michigan, weekly phonebank tomorrow, October, 29th. Sign up here
  2. REMINDER: Coming up this weekend: Join UU the Vote, Colorado UU congregations, and local grassroots partners fighting for bodily autonomy and reproductive justice on November 2 and 3 for an inspiring, empowering, and faith-filled mobilization to reach voters in this crucial weekend before the election!
  3. Poll Working – Poll workers fill a vital role in our communities, ensuring that polling locations are sufficiently staffed and the nuts and bolts of election day go as smoothly as possible. Sign up to be a poll worker here. 
  4. GROUNDED: 90 Seconds of centering sent directly to you. Every Day from November 1st – 8th. Text GROUNDED to 97000 to opt-in.t 
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