An update from your Board of Trustees

Greetings to Members and Friends!  Foothills has continued to be quite a dynamic community this year with services, journey groups, reorganization and expansion of our justice activities, new Wellspring offerings,  and much more.  The 2024-25 Board of Trustees has been no exception.  Starting with our Congregational election-potluck-discussion-meeting in June we got off to a good start on the church year.  In July we held our annual Board retreat where we develop our Board covenant, establish our meeting schedules and protocols and decide on priorities and goals for the year. One of the primary responsibilities of Foothills policy-based governance Board is to lead the community on the development of our vision for the future.  We (all of our Foothills community) do this vision work on a six-seven year cycle. We are coming into that window of time now.  

So, during this Board year, we are preparing to do this visioning work within the congregation by gathering data from sources with which we have a relationship or perhaps, should have.  For example, we are talking with our many justice partners, other liberal churches in our community, connections at CSU, other Colorado/Wyoming UU churches, appropriate city and county entities, such as the Human Relations Commission, to name just a few.

Just this past Saturday, we hosted a gathering of 42 ministers and Board members of UU churches in Colorado and Wyoming.  Colorado Springs, Denver, Boulder, Greeley, Loveland, and Cheyenne all sent multiple Board members to participate in our discussions.  This was the first such gathering in quite a few years and by all measures, very successful.  Folks enthusiastically voted to gather in the future on a regular, perhaps semi-annual, basis. 

This is our focus for the year.  Over this year we will also be developing the process and procedures for getting the maximum input possible from our own congregation regarding our vision of the future of Foothills.  Developing a new vision  is an approximately two year process, so we are looking at a New Bold Vision by the end of next year or the beginning of 2026.  The Board is excited to be leading Foothills into the future, with all the mixture of challenges  and joys ahead that are always a part of this life we live together.

With Courageous Love,

Mary Klecan


Foothills Board of Trustees

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