June 2, 2024 Congregational Meeting Summary

We had a great Sunday gathering for our flower ceremony and Spring Congregational Meeting. Here are just a few of the highlights:

  • We elected Susan Williams and Peter Moore as Trustees to our Board to serve 3 year terms.
  • We elected Bonnie Inscho to our Nominating Committee.
  • We thanked outgoing Board President Walter Nash, and outgoing Trustee Linda Kothera, as well as outgoing Nominating Committee member Ben Manvel.

    Board President Mary Klecan provided a report from the board, including:

    • After dreaming about a new sanctuary for 15 years, we have moved into this beautiful space. So, what’s our next dream?

    • We will be living into the answer to that question over the next year and a half as we begin the work of creating Foothills New Vision for the Future

    • The Board of Trustees has 4 major responsibilities including 1) Articulating our core values, mission, and vision; 2) Governing through policy; 3) Monitoring compliance with the policies; and 4) Linking to the future

    • The primary focus over the next couple years will be on #1 and #4, envisioning what we want our future to look like

    • To do this successfully we need everyone’s input, which begins today and will continue in a variety of forms over the next couple years

  • Rev. Sean provided a report from ministry including:
    •  We are currently in the middle of some important shifts in our culture and being, not only because of the building and pandemic, but because of who we are called to be in this moment and thus we all become curators and storytellers of our witnessing deepening belonging, collective courage and joyful resilience as we discern our future together. 

    • Worship and Membership numbers are growing not only because of the new space but because of the church taking ownership of a culture of invitation.

    • Our members are engaged across multiple parts of church life, and we are seeking new ways to invite people deeper.

    • Introducing our new ministerial intern (Read more on that here.)

After the official meeting concluded, we gathered in small groups for lunch, and for conversations about our experiences of and dreams for Foothills. Here are just a few highlights from our groups:

  • “I feel there is a place for everyone, whether 10 or 30 or 50. There’s a broad range of groups and activities to get involved”
  • Person appreciated “gathering when tough stuff is happening”.
  • Someone else mentioned they were “proud of our active involvement in local community” issues.
  • Groups and activities that were points of pride  included hosting the Food Bank, Faith Family Hospitality, Sanctuary Everywhere, Rainbow Village, RE for the kids, Caring Team.
  • One person can’t do it alone. Each of us is carried by the higher community.
  • Another appreciated that we focus on gratitude, community and love.
  • Several participants remarked that it was a positive experience to have multigenerational representation at many of the tables during the potluck and discussion.

If you have any questions for our Board, you can always reach out at theboard@foothillsuu.org.  Thanks for staying connected in the care and stewardship of our church!

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