Dear Ones,
Starting Sunday, April 2nd, we will strongly encourage but not require masks at Sunday services. While much of our broader culture abandoned universal masking long ago, we have taken a slower, more cautious approach. In discerning our masking policy, we centered the values of our faith that call us to protect one another, especially the most vulnerable among us. We have kept a close eye on transmission rates and followed the lead of health experts. Now that UCHealth has decided to stop mandating masks in its facilities, we have determined it is time to follow suit, so we will no longer require masks at any events starting April 2nd.
We continue to be not just a mask-friendly space but a mask-encouraged space, and we will continue to offer online options as much as possible.
We understand that while some of you may welcome this news, it may cause anxiety or upset for others. Please do not hesitate to reach out at or 970-493-5906. We are here for you.
With love,
Revs. Gretchen, Sean, Elaine and the entire Foothills Staff Team