Important Updates About Our Christmas Eve Services

Due to the rising concern about the Omicron Variant of COVID-19, we have decided to make adjustments to our Christmas Eve Services to prioritize safety for all participants. This includes a location change for our 5 PM service to outdoors, some additional regulations for our 9 PM service, and a more robust online offering so that everyone is able to participate comfortably and with security in knowing your safety is being prioritized. 

5 PM Service (Previously at The Lincoln Center)

This service will take place in the East church parking lot and be under 45 minutes in length. Please remember to bring chairs for comfortable seating (we’ll also have some available for those that don’t have them)! Masks are required (medical-grade masks encouraged), and vaccination is required for those 12+.

Moving the service outside has allowed us to increase capacity. If you aren’t already registered, save your spot now!

PLEASE NOTEWe are aware that the weather forecast looks somewhat concerning. We will send an email and text to all registered attendees by noon confirming our plan to go forward in person, or case of inclement weather, move to all-online. 

9 PM Service

This service will take place as scheduled in the church sanctuary. However, we ask folks to consider carefully if their attendance might pose a risk to others. If you are currently registered but meet any of the following criteria, please consider watching the livestream from home instead of attending in person: 

– Anyone who has not received their booster
– Anyone who has traveled out of state or by plane in the last week
– Anyone hosting out-of-town guests

If you are no longer able to attend due to this request or feel more comfortable choosing to tune in from home, please remember to cancel your registration (select “view registration” then “cancel online”).

Online Options available at 7 and 9 PM (and possibly 5 PM)

We previously planned to offer a 7 PM online service; however, due to the changing circumstances, we are now offering two online versions of our services.

7 PM Broadcast – Modern Pageant: Join us online for a heartwarming and funny take on the Nativity story that blends all the traditional elements you love with progressive values. 

9 PM Livestream – Meditative Candlelight: Join us in real-time for a magical and meaningful candlelight Christmas Eve service in the sanctuary with piano and cello.

Both of these services will be available at the times listed above (or anytime after) on our website and Facebook Live

COVID Safety Protocols

All of the safety protocols will still be observed for in-person services (outdoors and indoors), including: 
– Masking for everyone over the age of 2.
– Vaccinations for everyone over the age of 12.
– We strongly encourage the use of medical-grade masks at all times. 
– Medical grade* masks are required for the indoor service at 9 PM
, we will have extras on hand for anyone who does not have one. 
– For the 5 PM service, bathroom access will be emergency only and will require a medical-grade mask Please use the West parking lot or the neighborhood street parking. 

*Medical grade masks include surgical masks, N95, N94 or KN95s

We are truly grateful to still have the opportunity to gather and celebrate together in ways that preserve the festiveness, fun, and fulfillment of our original plan while protecting the safety of our Foothills family and larger community – as well as the well-being of our brave healthcare providers in the midst of overwhelmed hospitals. Thank you for your flexibility!

The Foothills Team 

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