Foothills Unitarian Church is a community made possible by the generosity of our members. We don’t provide a “fee-for-service.” We offer ministry to anyone who participates in our community and needs us. Each ministry has direct costs, from social justice to caring, small groups to Sunday Worship, climate justice to family programming, and so many more.
If each person who makes up the church gives within their means, as a community, we cover the costs of our ministry. We can continue offering our ministries freely. We can maintain our role as a beacon for progressive values in Northern Colorado and beyond.
We are thrilled you are part of our community and hope that this year, you’ll invest in sustaining our beloved church family and growing our impactful work. We have some big goals to fulfill our BOLD VISION, and we hope you’ll join us by making a 2022 pledge (a promise to give an amount of money that works for you over the course of the year). Pledges are so important, because they help us plan our work and operate within our means.
As a committed member of our community, we hope you’ll take a few moments to do these three things:
1) Consider… Your personal pledge carefully.
What can you commit to give in 2022? (suggested above)
Are you on the path to 5%? Check this resource out to learn more about why we suggest supporting our beloved community with 5% of your household income. Five percent may seem like a lot to start, so we encourage you to calculate 5% then use that as a starting place to discern what is the right amount for you to pledge.
What method are you using for payment? Checks, monthly ACH withdrawals, and stock donations require the least amount of fees incurred by the church. If you would like to use a credit card to pay monthly, consider covering the 2.9% processing fee.
- In 2022 we are creating a special fund to help us hire a full-time Music Director. We must fully fund our operating budget first, but if the music legacy of Foothills Unitarian Church is your passion, consider giving to this special fund and helping us make this hire a reality!
2) Commit... To hold space for the future of our community with your resources. Your gifts build a legacy of courageous love, justice, spiritual grounding, intellectual curiosity, and more for generations to come.
- Please submit your pledge by our December 1st deadline, so we can plan for the coming year and enter 2022 in a strong financial position.
3) Cultivate… An internal culture of giving among engaged congregants
- Sign up to reach out to 5-10 friends in the church who might need to hear more before submitting a pledge. There is space on the digital pledge card to volunteer to help with this as one of our Stewardship Partners.
Thanks for your partnership in sustaining and growing our impactful and loving community. We are so grateful for your investment!
In partnership,
The Foothills Team