Six Things You Don’t Want to Miss!

1. GrateFULLness Camp

In response to PSD schools being closed Thanksgiving week, we are offering a 1/2 day mini GrateFULLness Camp!
Come experience “great fullness” – being filled up with gratitude – through stories, art, outdoor activities, and fun with friends! For kids ages 5 – 12. Cost is $30. A great way to break up this unexpected time off school!

2. Gift a Family!

We are thrilled to be teaming up with La Familia for our 8th year in a row to fulfill local families’ Christmas lists!

Join the joy and generosity at!

3. Movie Night!

Celebrate GivingThanks with The Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu in the documentary about the their unlikely friendship. These self-described mischievous brothers give a master class in how to create joy in a world that was never easy for them. They offer neuroscience-backed wisdom to help each of us live with more joy, despite circumstances.
Sunday, November 28, 6:30-8:30 pm online. Hosted by Foothills Climate Justice Ministry. Learn more and register HERE.

4. Sean preaching in person!

Mark your calendars! On Sunday, November 28th, Rev. Sean is preaching in person for the first time since we’ve returned to in-person services. Join him at 8:30 am or 10 am at the church. 

Registration for November 28th’s 8:30 am service will open Monday, November 22nd. Visit on Monday to save your spot!

Registration for 10 am service is already open at

5. For the Future!

In the last few year’s we have seen how where we invest now directly impacts our ability to fully respond to each moment that arises. Our community’s response to Trump’s election, directly impacted our ability to respond to the pandemic. This is one of the reasons we’ve chose to call our pledge drive, For the Future. Learn more about how 2017 prepared us for 2020, and how 2021 can prepare us for the future.

6. Budget Presentation

Interested in learning more about the church finances? Join Senior Minister Rev. Gretchen Haley and Director of Finance Katie Watkins for an in-depth look at the Foothills’ 2022 budget. There will also be time for a Q&A!
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